sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015


"My ideal job versus the worst job I can think of"
Well, if you ask me which would be my ideal job I would have to say it’s the one where I can travel the world, play music, party all night long, meet new people, experience extraordinary things. My ideal job would be a lawyer! Nah, I’m kidding, I always wanted to be a rock star, a musician. I enjoy playing music, but something I love the most is being lazy, being able to just relax and think for myself and not for someone else. What can be better than thinking for yourself, and creating music in the meanwhile? Of course, if it is ideal, I’m thinking in a famous rock star, being internationally famous, and of course, being rich and being able to spend money in unnecessary things like, I don’t know, a helicopter or a race car or maybe just travel to Paris with your girlfriend and spend a romantic night, then travelling back. Just imagine, the world in your hands. And of course, the most regarding feeling of being idolatrized by your fans, and knowing that your music is changing someone’s life.
And if you ask me which the worst job I can think of is, it would be the opposite of my ideal job. A job where you don’t travel, don’t experience new things, a boring, static and tedious job. A toll man. Every time that I see a toll man I suffer for them. Just imagine being stuck in a box for hours just receiving money, calculating the change and giving it to the client with a mundane “thank you”. It’s awful. How can you be happy with that job? I don’t know, for me at least, is the worst job I can think of.

4 comentarios:

  1. i totally agree with you, in the case of a toll man, is a awful job, where it reduces the human being to a piece of a machine. Terrible.

  2. it`s true, i think knowing that your music is changing someone’s life, must be amazing, but the job it`s also comes whit many problems like: is not compatible whit a family life, if you want that and mora than that it`s hard to know who are your real friends, every thing it`s king of plastic, you don`t know the difference between real life and fantasy.

  3. I've never known someone who wanted to live like that, I think that it's interesting, but it could be exhaustive, I think that people who live like that in many cases wishes to live quite in a small house in the middle of nowhere

  4. Diego,

    WC: 289. You needed 300.
    I have always had the same feeling when I go and pay the toll.

    Please, pay attention to the following obs.;

    … and think (for) OF myself and not (for) OF someone else. What can be better than thinking OF (for) yourself, and creating music in the meanwhile?

    …(regarding) REWARDING feeling of …

